Sunday, June 3, 2012

First blog ever!

I am a virgin to the world of blogging but I thank you for taking the time to read my blog and follow along.  I'm an avid, nay junkie, pinner on pinterest and I'm always amazed by the woman that blog so much!  I doubt I'll be on here daily and in some cases it might not even be weekly but I will try my best to make my info colorful, helpful and interesting. 

Once I figure out how to post pics I'll post my newest bathroom floral arrangement I finished today.  It was for my partners bathroom and I think it turned out beautiful.  He seemed to like it too and that's what really matters. . .I guess.  I tried to snap pictures as I went along but I'm not sure how they turned out so we'll see if they ever hit my blog.  I think my ancient Fuji camera may have clicked it's last click.  I've been fighting the need to buy a new digital camera but I guess I'm going to have to cave and buy one.  Any suggestions on what to buy?  I admit I can not buy anything without doing research on it first.  This is why it takes months for me to make a purchase.  Just thinking about the fact that I need to purchase a vehicle gives me a headache!  Of course this rule does not hold true to buying shoes!

I also recently came across a lemon cupcake recipe that I can't wait to try!  If work isn't a killer tomorrow I'll be purchasing supplies and trying those out tomorrow night.  I'll try to take pictures to post but this of course depends on the Fuji and its desire to work.  I have loved baking cookies and cupcakes since as far back as I can remember.  Way before Sprinkles and the whole cupcake craze began.  I do love all the jazzed up cupcakes that are being created now. 

I hope you've enjoyed my first blog and that I didn't bore you too much. I promise to learn to add pictures and links so that you'll have something interesting to look at.

Until next time!


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