Friday, June 8, 2012

My newest decoration

It was a crazy busy week at work. . .yet again.  However, I did find time to work on a new decoration at the beginning of the week.  I was getting tired of the candle holder and faded light blue candles in the hall bath and really wanted to add some type of floral decoration.  So I started by going to Dollar General and I picked up a couple of clear vases.

My Dollar General vase with tag still on it

Now as I mentioned before my Fuji digital camera is on its last leg and I've not had time to start my research on what would be a good replacement.  All the pictures I'm posting were taken with my camera phone so they are not as clear and sharp as I'd like them.

Lovely painted blue vase
After making my expensive purchase at Dollar General I ran by Hobby Lobby and picked up some floral arrangements, paint and sponge brushes.  I then painted by vase a lovely shade of blue.  It's hard to tell with the picture I'm posting but trust me it is quite a lovely shade.  Left it to dry overnight and then made a few touch ups the next morning.

Next step was by far the easiest.  I dropped in floral arrangement and tied a bow to vase and viola!  A lovely new decoration to put in my hall bath.  Colors go great with the blue, tan and brown colors I have in this bathroom and it looks so much nicer than the black candle holder I used to have.  That has been temporarily transplanted on the TV in the living room.  That poor candle holder needs a make over too.  Hmm. . . .maybe a project for next week.

My finished decoration

Hope you enjoy!


Vase: $1.00 (Dollar General)
Floral arrangement: $5.00 (half off at Hobby Lobby)
Paint: $0.65 (half off at Hobby Lobby)
Sponge brush: $1.00 (Hobby Lobby)
Total cost: $7.65 (+/-)

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